Event Displays & Physics Plots

First ATLAS 13 TeV Collision

This page provides access to ATLAS Physics Events and Plots. When protons or heavy ions collide in the centre of the ATLAS detector, many new particles are produced, which then pass through the detector from the collision point. The detector components are designed to take a kind of snapshot of this event, recording the points in the detector where the particles passed. Charged particles leave tracks, most charged and neutral particles leave energy deposits, neutrinos pass right through leaving only an imbalance of momentum.

Event displays, like the ones presented here, allow physicists (and you) to visualise the collision in order to investigate what happened when new particles are produced at the very centre. In many cases, short-lived particles were produced during the collision, which then immediately decayed (transformed) into new particles. Only the relatively stable particles (those with longer lifetimes) make it out into the detector.

Individual events are not enough for physicists to complete their investigations. In many cases different reactions can produce similar-looking events. To get a better understanding, the properties of similar events are accumulated into histograms (also referred to as plots). One very common property to plot is the reconstructed mass of combinations of exiting tracks, as this can allow us to discover new particles.

Photo Collection

ATLAS Higgs Candidate Event

Higgs Candidates

ATLAS First 13 TeV Event

Other Proton Collisions

ATLAS Heavy Ion Collision

Heavy Ion Collisions

Simulated Micro Black Hole Decay in ATLAS

Simulated Events

Beam Splash in ATLAS preparing for LHC Run 2

Cosmics & Commissioning

ATLAS Mass Plot for 4-Lepton Higgs Candidates


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