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Milestones & Achievements
Here we present a collection of images and video concerning major ATLAS Milestones & Achievements. Although the scientific process is a continual one, building knowledge upon knowledge, and always seeking to understand our universe better, there are occasional breakthroughs. And even scientists recognize when it is time to stop and take a moment to appreciate major accomplishments.
The material here includes the completion of major projects, such as the building or upgrading of the detector, the launching of the LHC, first collisions, and important scientific discoveries, such as the Higgs boson.
- See the full Milestones & Achievements Collection on the CERN Document Server.
Photo Collection
Related Videos
Highlights of LHC restart (2009)
First proton beams in ATLAS (2009)
First proton-proton collisions in ATLAS (2009)
Fabiola Gianotti on search for Higgs boson (2011)
CERN News on Higgs boson searches (2011)
CERN seminar on Higgs boson searches (2012)
CERN News on Higgs boson discovery (2012)
Physics Nobel Prize announcement (2013)
Higgs boson: what’s next? - Interview with Claire Lee (2015)
First stable beams at 13 TeV (2015)
Animation of a real 13 TeV proton-proton collision (2015)