Diversity & Inclusion


The ATLAS Collaboration draws its creativity and strength from world-wide members with different backgrounds. This pluralism is an essential part of our identity as scientists and we fully uphold CERN's principles of inclusiveness and diversity as enshrined in the CERN Code of Conduct.

As a collaboration of over 5000 scientists, students, engineers, technicians, and administrators, ATLAS is made up of diverse members from around the globe with different age, gender identity, sexual orientation, culture, physical ability, race and ethnicity, appearance, neurodiversity, education, or religious background. We expect high standards of professional conduct and commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion in our community.

We value the opinions of people with different experiences and backgrounds. A diverse group brings different perspectives and enhances our ability to tackle complex problems. We expect colleagues to refrain from all types of bullying and harassment, including any form of abuse or exclusionary jokes at all times (e.g. racist, sexist) in person and in a virtual environment.

We recognise that discrimination persists in many aspects of society, including science. Racial harassment is unacceptable in all of its forms. We acknowledge that more must be done to address this. To be part of the solution, we continue to strive to identify and remove barriers that obstruct people from being able to work free from harassment, and to quickly address issues that may prevent everyone in the Collaboration from having equality of opportunity. 

We must ensure that our colleagues have the tools and resources they need to succeed. Parenting and caring responsibilities can be challenging, traditionally having a higher impact on women, and we must ensure that support is in place. We must also take particular care to address the needs expressed by collaborators with various physical differences, such as vision, speech, hearing or other impairments.

We support LGBTQ+ rights. People are accepted for who they are, and we do not accept any discrimination due to sexual orientation or gender identity.

Science is about looking forward, and imagining a future that is inclusive, and celebrates diversity, ideas and innovation. Physics is universal and for everyone, and we must work to appreciate problems that others have that may be invisible to us.

This work is coordinated by the Contacts for Diversity and Inclusion, who also liaise with other groups including the other LHC experiments, the CERN Diversity and Inclusion Programme, and the CERN LGBTQ group.