Rachid Mazini

Rachid Mazini

13th April 2010 – Rachid Mazini grew up in Casablanca, Morocco. Although he’s now a big fan of rugged terrain, he spent his youth as a “city boy” with holidays on the Atlantic shoreline. It wasn’t until he started university in Marrakech that he began to explore the mountains – the Atlas range, in fact.

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Its All About The Lumi!

6th April 2010 – Now that the LHC has established colliding stable beams at a center of mass energy of 7 TeV, the next step to maximize its physics reach is to provide the most luminosity possible.  As Leo posted, we need to increase the number of proton - proton collisions to make sure we have a chance of seeing the physics that we are looking for.  The reason for that is because different p.hysics processes have different probabilities.  These probabilities are referred to as cross-sections (in a vague reference to the particle's size).  If one multiplies a cross section by a luminosity than what you get is a number of events.

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Life Imitating Reality

2nd April 2010 – I was home sick today, probably from the stress of getting ready for "M-Day" (aka Media Day), more likely though I finally succumbed to the cold that had been spreading through the Control Room.  As it so happened, my laptop had been in the shop because it experience an "incident"  (actually I just dropped it) last Monday (the week before Media Day), and I just picked it up yesterday.   

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Increasing collision rate

1st April 2010 – Many collisions will be needed to unveil the secrets eventually hidden at the 7 TeV energy regime.

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Let The Physics Begin!

30th March 2010 – After decades of planning. After years of delays and immeasureable amounts of patience and hard work. The physics operations of the LHC has begun!

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First 7 Tev collisions have been recorded in ATLAS

30th March 2010 – After ramping of the beams to 3.5 TeV and tuning, final checks, and some emotions due to an unforeseen beam dump, the 7 TeV collisions finally appeared on the on-line monitors of the ATLAS Control Room.

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Expecting beam in 30 minutes!

30th March 2010 – During this morning LHC has been working to give us the beam conditions for collisions.

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How will it happen?

28th March 2010 – So how will this whole "First 7 TeV Collisions" event happen? Well, here is my (somewhat naive) understanding of what will happen.

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Approaching the End...and a New Beginning

28th March 2010 – This Tuesday, if all goes according to plan, will mark the end of a very long journey for many High Energy Physicists. The first 7 TeV Collisions will signal the end of the the commissioning period of the LHC and its experiments.

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Big step forward in LHC operation last night

19th March 2010 – Last night a new very important milestone has been reached by the LHC: two counter-circulating proton beams have been accelerated for the first time to 3.5 TeV, the energy that they should routinely reach in the 2010-2011 running period.

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