Event display for the H→bb decay analysis with the ATLAS detector. A 2-tag, 2-jet, 0-lepton event within the signal-like portion of the high pTV region BDTVH (Run 284213, Event 1927020336) is shown. The ETMiss, shown as a white dashed line, has a magnitude of 294.3 GeV. The two central high-pT b-tagged jets are shown as green and yellow bars corresponding to the energy deposition in the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters respectively. The dijet invariant mass of 136.9 GeV. Tracks in both jets form signatures compatible with the decay of a b-hadron. The BDTVH output is 0.67. (Image: ATLAS Collaboration/CERN)

The 2018 International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP) kicked off this week in Seoul, South Korea. Held every two years, ICHEP brings together physicists from around the world to share the latest advancements in particle physics, astrophysics and accelerator science, and to discuss plans for major future facilities. 

The ATLAS Collaboration will be unveiling a wide range of new results at ICHEP 2018, including major developments in the measurement of Higgs boson properties, observations of key electroweak production processes, new high precision tests of the Standard Model, and combinations of searches extending the reach to new physics.

Key results will be explored in ATLAS Physics Briefings, to be released throughout the conference. Check the ICHEP2018 tag for the latest updates.

Latest ICHEP2018 News and Physics Briefings:

New ATLAS Results for ICHEP2018:

Higgs Boson

Standard Model

Top Quark

New Physics

See also the full lists of ATLAS Conference Notes and ATLAS Physics Papers.