Manuela Cirilli

Manuela Cirilli joined the ATLAS collaboration in 2001 and worked on the construction and commissioning of the precision muon chambers. She is now the Section Leader for Medical Applications in CERN’s Knowledge Transfer Group. In parallel to her scientific career, Manuela has been engaging in science communication.

First collisions in ATLAS

A few days ago, loud cheers and happy faces filled the ATLAS Control Room while the whole detector lit up: protons are back at the experiment's door, and everybody forgot in a second the long year of waiting for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to resume operation.

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LHC beams and events back in ATLAS

Loud cheers and happy faces fill the ATLAS Control Room while the whole detector lights up: protons are back today at the experiment's door, and everybody forgets in a second the long year of waiting for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to resume operation.

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