Heather Gray

Heather Gray received her BSc(Hons) (2002) and MSc (2004) from the University of Cape Town in South Africa and her PhD from the California Institute of Technology (2010). From 2010-2017 she worked at CERN as a research fellow and then staff. She is currently a Divisional Fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. When not at work, she can usually be found in the mountains or the ocean.

The Higgs boson: the hunt, the discovery, the study and some future perspectives

Many questions in particle physics are related to the existence of particle mass. The “Higgs mechanism,” which consists of the Higgs field and its corresponding Higgs boson, is said to give mass to elementary particles.

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Il Bosone di Higgs: La Ricerca, La Scoperta, Lo Studio e Le Prospettive Future

Molti quesiti in fisica delle particelle sono relativi all’esistenza della massa delle particelle. Si dice che il “meccanismo di Higgs”, il quale consiste nel campo di Higgs e nel corrispondente bosone di Higgs, dia massa alle particelle elementari. 

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ATLAS highlights from LHCP

The fifth annual Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2017) conference was held this week at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in a leafy suburb in the former French concession in Shanghai, China. This year there were more participants than ever before: 470 people from universities across the globe. ATLAS presented an interesting set of new results exploiting the high statistics of the combined 2015 and 2016 dataset.

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Charming results that have got everybody thinking…

I’m writing from the annual Hadron Collider Physics Symposium, which began on Monday in Paris, France. It’s organised jointly by LPNHE and the University of Paris VI & VII, with an excellent location right in the heart of the Latin Quarter. HCP is a fun conference with only plenary talks, which means that I’ve had the chance to attend talks on a wide range of subjects including many quite remote from my usual areas of expertise.

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Just a taste

At 21:32 pm on December 8th, the LHC did something that no other accelerator has ever done before.

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First collisions with the pixel detector

It's been a busy weekend for ATLAS. Last night, well, actually early this morning, we received the "stable beam" flag from the LHC.

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